
Leonardo Da Vinci Later Life

Leonardo Da Vinci Later Life

1467: · Leonardo becomes an apprentice to Andrea del Verrocchio, in Florence.  
1472: · Leonardo becomes a member of the Florence painters' guild.
1473: · Leonardo draws a landscape on the Feast of Santa Maria delle Neve
1476: · Leonardo charged with sodomy on April 9, the case is dismissed June 16.   

1482: · Leonardo moves from Florence to Milan, entering the patronage of Ludovico . . 
1489: · Leonardo studies anatomy. 
1499: Leonardo leaves Milan. 
1502: · Leonardo becomes Cesare Borgia's military engineer.
1506: · In May, Leonardo is summoned to Milan by Charles d'Amboise: the French governor. 
1507: · Leonardo is appointed Louis XII's painter and engineer. . 
1513: · Leonardo moves to Rome. 
1516: · Leonardo permanently leaves Italy for France, where he serves Francis I in his court in Amboise. 
1519:  In May, Leonardo dies at Cloux. 

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